Career & Internships


Our qualified employees are a guarantee of our company’s superior service quality and further development. We know that success cannot be achieved without experienced and enthusiastic employees and teamwork.

Vacant position

Take a look at the job positions currently available.


Take a look at the job positions currently available.


Why work with us?

In order to acquire and retain highly qualified employees, we have prepared a long-term employee benefit program, which aims to support employees’ favorable attitude towards the company, strengthen their loyalty and satisfy their personal needs.

Family, leisure time

  • Extra vacation for employees in manual professions
  • Extra vacation for loyal employees
  • Paid time off for women
  • Extra paid time off during important situations in employees’ lives
  • Organization of company events

Ensuring a future and wellbeing for employees

  • Contribution to pension plans
  • Contribution to meals
  • Bonuses for life and work anniversaries
  • Bonuses for blood donors
  • Bonuses for life anniversaries of working seniors

Work conditions

  • Employee education and professional development, language lessons
  • Excellent technical facilities
  • PC, mobile phones, company cars
  • High emphasis on occupational health and safety
  • System of regular health checks, monitoring of work environment quality
  • Provision of work clothing and protective equipment
  • Organization of company transport to remote workplaces for employees

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